In addition to a fine, your insurance rates could go through the roof and you could possibly lose your drivers’ license. By paying the fine, you are pleading guilty, possibly to a misdemeanor offense. All of these bad consequences can be avoided by hiring a lawyer to handle the matter for you.
Do not pay a speeding ticket without talking to a lawyer. By paying off your traffic ticket, you are pleading guilty and could have very some severe consequences. Contact our Clemmons, North Carolina office to arrange a free consultation with traffic ticket attorney Darren Cranfill. For many clients a reduction to the no-moving violation or improper equipment may be the best option.
North Carolina Attorney Darren Cranfill helps his clients contest speeding or other traffic tickets. In many cases, he has been able to have charges for a moving violation reduced to a lower level violation or dismissed altogether. In other cases he may be able to get your traffic citation reduced to the non-moving violation of “improper equipment.” He may be able to appear in court on your behalf and handle the entire matter for you, keep your insurance rates from rising, and help you keep your driving privileges. If your license is revoked as part of a plea agreement or sentence, he will work to arrange limited driving privileges.
Hiring a lawyer for speeding or other traffic ticket defense may be a practical, reasonable option. By successfully contesting a speeding ticket, you may keep your license, your good record, and prevent a later moving violation from being charged as a second offense, subject to higher penalties. How fast were you going? What was the actual speed limit? Was the technology used to clock your speed reliable? Have you ever used a PJC (Prayer For Judgement Continued)? Were you charged with a violation on NC GS Section 20-141(J1)? A charge of driving more than 20 miles per hour over a 55 mph limit is very different than a charge of going 55 in a 25 mile per hour zone. Every situation is unique and only after talking to an attorney will you know your best options going forward.

If your ticket is handled the wrong way, you could receive costly insurance points. Each point could cause your premiums to rise for the next three years.
We serve clients in Forsyth and Davie County in North Carolina. Our office is located in Clemmons, NC but for most clients we are able to handle these cases over the phone and by sending the necessary documents via email.